Ben Craven

Ben Craven creates murals, paintings, graphics, furniture, and all kinds of colourful products - anything he fancies putting his signature style on! Having displayed his talent as a child graffiti artist, Ben went on to set up his own clothing line, and since the age of sixteen has always been self-employed in the creative world. 

Studying printed textiles and surface pattern design at Leeds Arts University helped Ben create the distinctive style of his current work, which can be found at This diverse range continues to grow as Ben develops cool new products and projects with like-minded people.

Ben first heard about LCVS when he moved back up north to develop his own creations after designing clothing for high-street brands in London. This was the start of ‘Benjamin Craven’ as a brand, which has grown massively from his studio at Aire Street - a space which has given Ben artistic freedom in a building full of creative people in Leeds city centre.




Alexander Prince