Still Studio

Still Studio is an independent space for creatives wanting to host workshops and small events in Leeds City Centre. Natalie and Rose know the barriers that artists can face, and in opening Still Studios, they wanted to help to break some of those down. The studio is an inspiring place to gather, experiment without pressure, explore new skills, or switch off from the everyday for a while.

Alongside Still and their own creative practices, they both design in a freelance capacity or for commercial brands; Natalie designs patterns and products for homeware retailers whilst Rose designs prints for fashion brands. Both artists studied at Leeds Arts University but did not actually meet until after they were there. They moved into the studio at Aire Street in 2022 and their ideas are evolving every day. It took a few long days and extra pairs of hands to get it ready for opening, but they got there eventually and have been hosting since September. This year, the duo began to host a monthly drawing club which has proven really popular.

You can find what they’re doing on the ‘What’s On’ page of their website which is updated regularly. There, you will see collaborative works made with other makers, creatives and workshop hosts to make sure that events are the best that they can be. Still are always looking to connect with other small businesses and creative individuals who want to share their craft and practice in their space through the delivery of their own workshops. Creativity can significantly improve wellbeing and they believe it should be interwoven into the everyday for everyone. It encourages mindfulness and collaboration and their hopes are that Still Studio can be at the heart of where this happens in Leeds.

Working in the Aire Street building has really helped the pair to get Still, their creative workshop space, off the ground. A perfect central location, affordable rates to get their start-up idea going, and a bunch of like-minded people to help when they need some advice. They feel really lucky to be a small part of the LCVS Enterprise building.


Declan Creffield


Jenny Beard